susan krieg

Art and Design – Susan Krieg's Art Journal


Let me introduce myself and my work.

I’m a mixed media artist. I use “exotic” collage paper and found material to construct an abstracted environment for my figures. Part of my process is to study landscapes and still lifes, using traditional paint methods, as there is nothing like painting, in order to understand and  absorb one’s surroundings. The abstracted environments in my work come from these studies. Currently living in Colorado Springs, I’m fascinated by landscapes, open spaces and spiritual reflection. I paint my figure into these environments and explore this relationship between figure and background. The relationship is symbolic of my own “being” in the universe – exploring how one is separate, yet inseparable, from one’s space. With every breath, one breathes in part of the world. In my art, the figure is integrated with the space and the mixed media materials are tightly integrated with each other.

Susan Krieg

7 thoughts on “About

  1. Dear Susan Krieg,

    I am a gallery assistant at Agora Gallery, a contemporary fine art gallery in Chelsea, New York. Can I send you some information about our gallery and promotional opportunities for artists?
    I look forward to hearing from you,
    Kind regards,
    Alexandra Cespedes
    Assistant Director / Agora Gallery
    Phone: 212.226.4151 ext 207
    Fax: 212.966.4380


  2. Dear Susan,
    I have just read your blog on “metamorphosis of a woman”. I have an identical painting to #2 entitled “papellan”.
    I bought it at Studio 42 in Los Gatos ten years ago. Is this something different? We have it in our bedroom and love it. Is there a current value that we could use for insurance purposes?


    1. Dear H. Wolfe,
      Thank you for your comment. I would love to receive a snap shot of the painting and verify which image it is in the metamorphosis series. Literally, I have a truck arriving tomorrow to move us to Virginia Beach, so it may take a week to respond back to you. I will do my best to answer your questions and provide you with a certificate of authenticity. Please send the image to
      Thank you, SK


  3. Hi, Susan. I have loved your art since I discovered it eight years ago. I tried to go to your other site and shop, but it said it was under construction and would be back up in 2010. Where can I shop for your art or prints these days?
    Kelly Peters


  4. Hi Susan I bought Benediction and another print here in South Africa early 2000’s. I so love these pictures, they hung in my lounge in my victorian cottage in Cape Town and often were the talking point of after dinner conversations. I moved to London for 4 years and everything went into storage. On my return, unpacking I fell in love with them all over again.
    It was only this evening the light fell on one of them in a certain way and I picked up a signature. I googled

    mmmmk”hey presto” this site appeared! I was so excited to finally find out a bit more about the paintings (well the one) and read up on you.


  5. Hi Susan

    I purchased your Benediction and Harmony from you and you sent them to me in South Africa. I fall more in love with my paintings on a daily basis. I am lookinf for your “Forever Love” print and once again I am not able to get it. I have a special spot in my house I would like to put it. Please let me know if you are able to help.
    Kind regards



    1. Hi Davina
      I remember your purchase and I am happy you are enjoying them. At this time, there are no available prints of my work. I hope there will be in the future, but I can’t be more specific. I know that’s not helpful, but I will keep in touch with you.
      Susan Krieg


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